WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Feb 13-19, 2011

Every week, The Signal will be offering up a Weekly Roundup: a collection of mini-reviews, TV news, interesting links and varying television-related thoughts that weren’t big enough to merit a full post on their own. R. Lackie takes point for this week’s roundup…

Fringe, “Immortality” (3.13)

The last episode defined the rules of the game. This episode completely changes that game. How? Read past the jump to know…

WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Feb 6-12, 2011

Every week, The Signal will be offering up a Weekly Roundup: a collection of mini-reviews, TV news, interesting links and varying television-related thoughts that weren’t big enough to merit a full post on their own. R. Lackie takes point for this week’s roundup…

Fringe, “Concentrate and Ask Again” (3.12)

Is blue powder sucking all the bones out of people’s bodies in this week’s Fringe, or is it really just a severe lack of calcium? Have yourself a glass of milk and read the review after the jump…

WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Jan 23-29, 2011

Every week, The Signal will be offering up a Weekly Roundup: a collection of mini-reviews, TV news, interesting links and varying television-related thoughts that weren’t big enough to merit a full post on their own. R. Lackie takes point for this week’s roundup…

Fringe, “Reciprocity” (3.11)

In this episode, we learn how Peter holds a grudge. The answer: Badly. Read the review after the jump…

Fringe, “The Firefly” (3.10)

“Give me the keys and save the girl.” – Peter Baldie and Company are back as Fringe makes its way to Fridays. Read the review for the first episode of the year after the jump…

WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Jan 16-22, 2011

Every week, The Signal will be offering up a Weekly Roundup: a collection of mini-reviews, TV news, interesting links and varying television-related thoughts that weren’t big enough to merit a full post on their own.

FEATURE: Best Episodes of 2010, #10-#1

For every television critic, the inaugural Best Of is a test: a test to see what they value and what they forget, what they cherish and what they banish to the scrap heap. You guys got a taste of my tastes with the Honourable Mentions, but here we are: The Top 20 episodes of 2010!

FEATURE: Best Episodes of 2010 (Honourable Mentions)

Even though they’re terribly difficult to write, I love putting together ‘best of’ lists.I love writing about things I love, and it feels good to reward pieces of art that might not get noticed by other reviewers. This year, I pored through Wikipedia listings to make sure I considered every episode of television I watched … Continue reading