Fringe, “Neither Here Nor There” (4.01)

An FBI agent’s partner dies after his skins turns transparent. He then discovers the existence of the FBI’s Fringe Division. No, this isn’t the Fringe pilot. Yes. It’s the Season 4 premiere. I know. Read the review after the jump…

Fringe, “The Last Sam Weiss”/”The Day We Died” (3.21/3.22)

Fringe wraps up the season by changing everything. And then changing everything again. Read the review of the last two episodes of season 3 after the jump…

Fringe, “6:02 AM” (3.20)

The end begins. Review after the jump…

Fringe, “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” (3.19)

How would Inception look if you were on LSD? Apparently, like a cartoon. Read the review of Fringe’s most trippy episode yet after the jump…


Every week, The Signal will be offering up a Weekly Roundup: a collection of mini-reviews, TV news, interesting links and varying television-related thoughts that weren’t big enough to merit a full post on their own. R. Lackie takes point for this week’s roundup…

Fringe, “Bloodline” (3.18)

Fauxlivia gets on the Express to Babyville, whether she wants to or not. Read the review of this episode of the recently renewed Fringe after the jump…

Fringe, “Stowaway” (3.17)

Mr. Bell is back from the grave while someone wishes they could go there. Read the review after the jump…

Fringe, “Os” (3.16)

Sorry for the late review. (Insert strained joke about being light-headed.) Alright, let’s finish this so I can watch this week’s episode! (I decided not to, just for you.) Read the review after the break…

Fringe, “Subject 13” (3.15)

Fringe goes back in time once again and looks at how the 80s sucked for everyone. Cross the jump to read the review…

Fringe, “6B” (3.14)

Yes, I’m half a week late but this is also my week off. So enjoy this review after the jump, you slave drivers…